

英漢字典: slow down

(cause to)go more slowly than usual減速

    The road was slippery so Mr. Jones slowed down the car. 路面太滑,于是瓊斯先生就放慢車速。

    There were signs at every curve in the road warning motorists to slow down. 每個轉彎處都有要司機減速的標志。

    You should slow down a bit and lead a less hectic life. 你應該悠著點,過比較安靜的生活。

    He has slowed down a lot since his heart attack,自從心髒病發作以來,他行動遲緩多了。

    Their objections are slowing down the progress of the engotiations. 由于他們的反對,談判進展緩慢。

    We should find some way to slow him down;he is taking on far too much work. 我們必須設法讓他放鬆一點,他的工作太重了。

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